Thursday, March 12, 2009

take two

Ok, so off to a rough start. Clearly I have a problem with consistency. Anyways, I went on vacation in Savannah, GA so I was distracted.
I have decided to switch gears in my NYC and overall life by accepting an un-officially offered job with FEGS (Federation Employment and Guidance Services) as a Youth Advisor. I basically would be responsible for 35 students between the ages of 17 and 21 who are still eligible to receive their high school diplomas but are lacking credits, Regents, etc. I would work out of a high school in South south south Brooklyn (a pretty depressed area). My responsibilities include making sure my students are getting to their classes, and being up to date about what goes on outside of school, checking in, etc. Although I have not been officially offered the position (background checks must take place and such), I should be starting in the next few weeks.

This means my schedule will no longer be flexible...but I will be able to go to the doctor cause I'll have healthcare. I'm going to have to work really hard to stay connected with the dance community, but I feel that I've met some really great people in the last 8 months and I think I'll be able to keep working on projects, performing, and creating work, while maintaining a meaningful work life. Waiting tables...not so meaningful.

I've always wanted my job to reflect who I am and what I value, so I'm really excited to start realizing that goal. This is probably the best first job I could ask for, and I'll be working alongside one of my good friends from college! hoorah!

In the dance world: I am going to be performing in a few weeks, with another performance to come in May, so I'm staying quite busy. I really am enjoying the "downtown dance" scene, a sometimes overly experimental place, but never boring. I still struggle to get my ass to class, and frequently resort to Yoga because I can go in the afternoon...I'm sleepy damnit. But with the goal of going to ballet in the morning I must sign off here...its already 1.30 and I need to leave the house at 9! (Probably will end up with Yoga once again). Ciao.

1 comment:

  1. Woot. Glad you made a decision. I told your mom that would have been one for the tarot cards for me. But I know you'll make it a priority to get the dance in. Unless you don't. In which case you will have learned something, non? But you will.

    I think the chances of us getting to the city with the kid are probably pretty slim, but we'll (as always) keep your performance schedule in the hopper. Some day...
